Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Illegal immigration thoughts

I am against illegal immigration and in favor of deportation.  Wait, wait, don't write me off yet!  I'm not racist and I'm not against immigrants.  I'm certainly against amnesty.  Let me explain:

There are many legal immigrants.  The process of coming legally is very cumbersome and could be reformed, but the fact is they went through the process.  It would be a great disrespect to say "But if you had snuck into the country, you'd also be a citizen."  In fact, many legal immigrants aren't even citizens yet!!  Amnesty is terrible disrespectful to the many immigrants who followed the rules.

More importantly, however, illegal immigration allows those here illegally to be abused.  Many illegal immigrants come here for jobs.  That's good.  Many illegal immigrants are willing to work for less money than the average American.*  That's capitalism, and that's fine.  The problem is they get paid less than minimum wage, but they can't complain because they're illegally here and will be deported (or at least are afraid of such a thing).  They also can't fight for better working conditions, benefits or reasonable work hours.  Partially because the laws don't apply to them, and also because the company can threaten to rat them out.  There are plenty of other immigrants here illegally that will suffer for "a better life in America."

Illegal immigrants should leave the country and return legally.  Or not.  As supporters of illegal immigrants are fond of saying, no person is illegal.  Totally true.  But illegal immigrants are terribly abused, physically and financially and emotionally (you try working with a company that abuses you physically and financially and see what happens to your emotions).  But just making every illegal immigrant a citizen is impractical, unfair to legal immigrants, and will be a huge demographic shock.  And what about future illegal immigrants?  If everyone is able to come into America and suddenly be a citizen, well, do I need to explain?  Yes: chaos.  We need borders, and we need to deport illegal immigrants, just like we need to imprison criminals.  But we should also allow and encourage immigrants to come to America.

It will also mean a more general rise in pay, rise in GDP, rise in tax revenue, rise in representatives, rise in census response, rise in consumer spending, and basically in everything.  I can't think of anything that goes down if we replace all illegal immigrants with legal immigrants.  Anyone have anything?

James Thomas Must Be Disbarred!

*The reason for this is because much of the money gets sent back to their country of origin, where via the excange rate it becomes far more valuable. Many workers who come to support their families don't BRING their families - at least not immediately. And if they come with no family ties to their homeland (unlikely), then whatever their pay is in America is probably still more than in their country of origin (and if it isn't, then they'll just go back).

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